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1320 Houserville Rd
State College, PA, 16801
United States

(814) 237-0960

History, Mission & Vision


Houserville UMC, a small white church built by German settlers of the Evangelical United Brethren faith tradition, has stood as a beacon of hope on Houserville Rd. since 1850. For over a century-and-a-half, countless families have found friendship, support & a closer walk with God through our ministries. Houserville UMC is the oldest church in continuous use in College Township.  Houserville UMC changed their name to the Houserville UMC House of Hope in 2009.


Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


The vision at the House of Hope is to transform the community through worship and the arts by caring for the people in our community and inviting them to be part of a church that seeks to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ in the world. The House of Hope is called to be an inclusive, welcoming community of faith that practices radical hospitality. Imagine a ragtag collection of surrendered and transformed people who love God and others. We are transfixed by the Gospel story and Jesus’ heart for our community. We are seed-throwers and fire-starters, hope-peddlers and grace-givers, risk-takers and dreamers, young and old. We will link arms with anyone who cares about what Jesus cares about. We work to empower the poor, strengthen the weak, embrace the outcast, and seek the lost. We do this by connecting, serving, and growing together, and living a life of faith together. Our community will change because God sends us. We believe that small things done with great love will change the world.

The view of the House of Hope from a hot air balloon soaring above Houserville.  Our church is meant to be a source of hope for the entire community.

The view of the House of Hope from a hot air balloon soaring above Houserville.  Our church is meant to be a source of hope for the entire community.