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1320 Houserville Rd
State College, PA, 16801
United States

(814) 237-0960

Mommy Shoppe

A ministry supported by Houserville UMC and operated by church members, the Mommy Shoppe exists to provide affordable clothing for children and to encourage families to reach their full potential. 

The Mommy Shoppe at the House of Hope

Mommy Shoppe Pic

The Mommy Shoppe exists to transform the community by providing clothing, necessities, and hope to area families.  The Mommy Shoppe is open the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10-2 and the following Monday evening from 6-8 pm (emergencies by appointment).  Enter at the Purple Doors and come on downstairs!  To learn more about the Mommy Shoppe at the House of Hope, check us out on Facebook:

Support the Mommy Shoppe - Donate

Your gifts to help defray operating expenses make this critical ministry possible!

Mommy Shoppe Clothing Racks