Contact Us

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1320 Houserville Rd
State College, PA, 16801
United States

(814) 237-0960

Service Info

Casual, Contemporary Worship

Please join us for casual, come-as-you-are, contemporary worship. Check our Facebook page or calendar for days and times.  By contemporary, we mean that you  can expect a timeless message presented with a variety of music.  We’ve found that many families in our community are so busy on the weekends that they just need family time at home together on Sunday mornings.  Others just can’t get weekends off in their work schedules but still want to participate in a church community.  Our seasonal worship services take schedules into account.


We like for kids to be actively involved in worship life as full participants.  

What About Sunday Mornings?

 We worship on Sunday mornings at our sister churches, Grays UMC at 9 am and Woodycrest UMC at 10 am. The House of Hope plans occasional community-building events and worship services. Check our Facebook page or calendar for details.