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1320 Houserville Rd
State College, PA, 16801
United States

(814) 237-0960


What We Believe

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The House of Hope is important because we are experimenting with new ways to do church which make sense to critically- and creatively-thinking people. We are a church where:

  • The Gospel (aka “good news”) matters, our worship experience is recontextualized, and we are free to reclaim the word "Christian."

  • Scripture is honored enough to be faithfully explored, wrestled with, and even questioned.

  • We are an authentic, come-as-you-are, “be yourself” Christian community.

  • Aesthetics and theology (what we believe about God) both matter.  We believe that the Gospel is brought to life through music, drama, dance, and other art forms.  We sing. We dance. We laugh together. We celebrate life!

  • Our faith community seeks to be both intellectually and spiritually stimulating.

  • We provide a connection or a bridge between faith and everyday life in the “real world,” encouraging participants to Connect, Serve, and Grow in faith and hope.

Our Mission

Why does the church exist? According to Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus made it clear:  

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20 - NIV).

Based on this “Great Commission,” the House of Hope’s mission is to: 

Go and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

It is our firm belief that our choices and actions, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, can transform the world.  If our choices and actions are those of Jesus, imagine the difference we can make together.  That’s why we’re here.


The word Gospel literally means “GOOD NEWS.”  It is the desire of the House of Hope to provide GOOD NEWS and hope to all people we meet. 

What drives us? What keeps us going?

·    The need to provide hope in a world filled with hunger, pain, and brokenness;

·    The memory of Jesus’ life of service to others, which inspires us to follow him in ministry;

·    The assurance of God’s gracious love for us, which empowers us to love others; and

·    The promise of God’s coming reign on earth, which draws us into action directed toward this vision. 


We believe all Christians should live for Christ and not for themselves.  Salvation is a free gift from God that makes it possible to experience life as it was meant to be.  The gift of salvation, paid by Jesus’ death on the cross, is new life, full of hope.  We believe that finding new life in Christ (which can also be referred to as "being saved") is God's wake-up call to us. To be saved means turning away from a life that is without God, and choosing the gift of a life where our words, actions, & choices are in-line with Jesus’ words, actions, & choices.  We believe Christians must choose salvation every day, seeking the heart & mind of Jesus.